The word pornography originates from the Greek pornographic actually significance expounding on whores. child pornography is an international felony which need to eradicated completely for this every state needs to adopt stringent measure to curb this crime. Child pornography is visual delineate act of sexual explicit which involves intercourse, bestiality, masturbation etc. It has to be noted that there are two ways in which child pornography is been distributed, i.e., either for profit or for noncommercial child pornography offered through free traded among the offenders. In the most of the countries Pre- adolescent are involved in child pornography they are subjected to physical as well as sexual violence. The website that tend to distribute commercial child pornography initiates thousands of images and videos and it is extremely difficult to eradicate the images once it is been upload on the internet virtually, so children are lifelong victims of this crime. It has also emerged has the fasted growing online business nearly $3 billion annual revenue is been extracted from this sources. Child pornography is a crime which is practiced in every nation of the world.