In the film “ La Dolce Vita” a divine Anita Ekberg, clad in an evening gown, enters the fountain and invites Mastroianni to join her: “Marcello, come here!” However, try to imitate her these days and you will be fined. Its magic enchanted the great director Fellini. It would be difficult to find anywhere else where the beauty and power of water is equally celebrated: a marbled triumph of tritons and sea deities that dominate this small piazza in the heart of the city. The tour will continue with the Trevi Fountain, built in 1735 to commemorate the restoration of the Virgin aqueduct. The stateliness of its steps has acted as a backdrop for fashion shows and as a walkway for the youth of Rome who enjoy its strategic overlook. Its butterfly shape makes it distinct among Rome’s baroque architecture, as does its Barcaccia fountain.